Tuesday, March 8, 2011


5.30 pm, Tuesday 8.3.11

 Today is a public holiday for women in some parts of the world... including Madagascar..  Sometime equal rights make us lose something too... :-).  It is Woman's Day.

 I saw my counsellor yesterday... things were difficult on the weekend... she was helpful, as always... (I cried...) now that is rare for me!
We talked about Lent and Ash Wednesday being tomorrow.  I have found a church here, where I can go to a service to be anointed with ashes as the start of Lent... Ashes to ashes... dust to dust.  It is good to remember that I am 'but dust'... and Father/Mother God cares about me...

 J suggested that I commit to gratitude for the season on Lent... to take time, at least morning and night... to relive those things I'm grateful for from the day... My other friend says that imagining positive experiences has the same affect on our brains as actually experiencing them... so if I relive my grateful things... then I can help make a pathway in my brain towards more positive thinking and feeling... the more often I do it.. the more defined the pathway becomes.

 I know there are days when it is going to be really hard to do this...

 Today I am grateful for my good friends...
 For lunch with a friend, who blessed me with listening ears as I rabbited on...
 For starting a new drawing...
 For listening to music..
 And for the potential of the experience at the Bible Study tonight...

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