Saturday, June 19, 2010

Working things out

Wow - hopefully now I have a picture ... sorry... not a lovely one of me... but often I feel something like a tortoise, in more ways than one - so this will do for now.

I think I have added the google analytics code in the right place as well - so hopefully that will help me track if anyone other than myself and a few close friends is reading these profound thoughts! :-).

I have had a lovely morning at my Church Ladies' Breakfast. About 60 ladies of all ages came together for lovely muffins, fruit, toast and cereal and yoghurt. I was feeling well enough to take a place on the welcoming table and help with organising people into groups for some 'getting to know each other' time after we were done with the food and the coffees. I met some people I didn't know and learned some new things about people I do know. Maybe I will actually talk to someone at church tomorrow, instead of hiding away in the foyer.!

Then I went to a friend's place for pumpkin soup for lunch - it was very yummy - especially as I didn't make it - I don't like cooking for myself much. We had a good chin wag while she pinned scraps of material together to sew into patchwork bags. She had finished two and I really liked the colours, so I bought them both. I will use one as a present for my sister's birthday, which is in 2 weeks - Yay.... I have a present for her and haven't had to go out and look for one!

There is a little work I could do in the garden .... Hmmmm .... not much of a gardener either, but the geraniums need cutting back....... Saturday afternoon stuff?????

Later::: The geraniums have had a SEVERE haircut!... pulled a few weeds too.


  1. So glad you enjoyed the breakfast and lunch with other people. I'm not a gardener either... lol at the haircut!

  2. I trust the geraniums will recover. They are very hardy and forgiving plants. Most of the rest of the garden doesn't need much attention, except to spray the weeds every now and then and get someone in to mow the lawn each month or so.
