Monday, November 8, 2010


7.00 pm Monday.

 A clear day today - lawn mowers going left and right.

 The sneezes have started - right on cue - the middle of November.  At least the itchiness hasn't taken hold yet.  Will need to get something to ease it, when that happens.

 A hot cup of tea..
 Fresh sheets on the bed..

 The car is going in for the work on the computer on Wednesday afternoon - hopefully it will be finished by Friday afternoon...

 Tired tonight ...
 Work tomorrow for at least a couple of hours...
 At least I did Curves this morning...

 How does our 'beyond gender' God express Himself as Mother???  To you???

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hope

    My car's been in the shop too. It's a subtle impingement on our independence when the car is gone. (Plus the expense.) I got it back today. I hope they can get your car going well again soon.

    Well done with Curves. I know you don't think you've done very well with this, but you have exercised regularly over the last year. I admire your tenacity and resolve.

    I hope you can get through your hours at work.

    Theological questions I'm not so good on. I was talking tonight about the nature of God with a friend who is a retired baptist minister. We both thought that God would be compassionate rather than vengeful. So God's compassion might also be a form of nurture - a motherly nurturing maybe? I'm not sure what else ...
