Thursday, July 29, 2010

Afternoon sleep

An afternoon sleep is not always a winner - well it feels like it will be - when you feel like you can't keep your eyes open and your body upright - but then..... you wake up, and discover that the yukky feeling you had when you went to sleep hasn't gone away - it just got worse!

Thankful for music (and a CD player next to the bed....)
Thankful for bread and honey.
Thankful for good friends who welcome me to watch an episode of The Last Detective with her.
Don't know if I'm thankful for my friend and my Curves trainer who pushed me to get to the gym this morning .... guess I don't have to win medals each time I go.

I can be okay... I can be okay ... I can be okay .... Just one minute at a time!


  1. Wow, is that true about naps!!!! and all else you said...I definitely have a love hate relationship with my pilates teacher. I sit here, trying not too move a muscle while I type, cause I hurt durn it! Hope the work outs have less painful effects on us in the future! We should be doing this together i think, then we could really have a laugh at ourselves as we sweat and strain and curse under our breathes! keep it up....Your stick to itiveness encourages me to stick to it as well! love ya friend! deb

  2. Sounds like you're saying the right mantra. Looking forward to the day when you say your minutes have turned into larger periods of time... and that you are okay! Keep the Hope.
