Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday's musing

I am so tired tonight. Why is it that I am so hard on myself and push on..?. The sun was shining today and it wasn't so cold, so after seeing the counsellor this morning, and then the GP for a script and my sore shoulder... I went and visited two people then came home and turned the radio up and vacuumed the house - which was much needed. It is a good feeling to have that done...

I hate evenings...

Maybe one day I'll learn to be ok with my own company....

I am thankful today for skilled professionals
for good friends
for leftovers for my evening meal....

I guess calling myself Hope in this blog - is a reminder that it is possible....


  1. Hope, often we have such unrealistic expectations that we place on others as well as ourselves. Sometimes all it takes is an adjustment of meds, but other times (such as this last time for me) it is a combination of meds, counselling, having a good support system (which can be simply listening ears, Drs., Psychiatrists, support groups, praying people), and the one I dislike the most--- the "E" word (Excercise). I realize you are exploring all of these avenues, but keep it up!

    Remember, God does care for you. He has brought you through this so far... maybe in order for you to be a help to others... I know you've inspired me!

    Enough preaching... I didn't mean that to be as such, just a word of encouragement, that there is HOPE!
    So glad you made time to visit people! And you cleaned... wow! That's the last thing I ever want to do, even when I am well!

    You found things to be thankful for, in the midst of all these feelings! So happy that you did!

    Keep writing. I read every word, and know a bit about how you feel. I care about you and am praying.


  2. Thanks D, ... I appreciate your care and encouragement. Off to morning tea at the nuns this morning - am sure that will be an encouragement.

