Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Awake too early again

9.45 am, Tuesday, February 8, 2011.

 I am developing this distressing habit of waking up at about 4.00, and not being able to settle to sleep again, until I have been up for an hour or two, and had my morning medication.  It is very annoying and this morning was particularly distressing.

 I went and did filing at my friend's business for a couple of hours yesterday, after a morning appointment - and it wiped me out.  I am very disappointed to have to realise that I may not be able to continue with this commitment, especially in light of the other commitments I am making this term.

 My new house mate moves in today - that will be another adjustment.  I think it will be okay.  She is a nice young lady and I will be glad of an improvement in my financial situation.

 I am starting my role as a community carer at our church's community shop tomorrow morning.  I will be interviewing people who come for food parcels and financial help for 3 hours a week.  Tonight is the first small group meeting as well - a social one this time... but next week, I will be starting leading studies on Genesis 1-11.  I have prepared 4 of the 9 studies I want to lead with that group.

 Things to do...
 Make some more room in the kitchen cupboards.
 Bring the bin around from the front.
 Bring my towel in from the line.
 Brush my teeth.
 Organise the study printouts for tonight.
 Remember to take deep breathes, when I feel the tension rising.

 I am thankful for friends.

1 comment:

  1. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick... I got the jobs done, had a coffee with a friend, have had some lunch and now will go and sleep for an hour before going to the doctor.
