Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sleep... and new opportunities

8.30 am, Thursday, February 10, 2011

What a relief... I slept so much better last night - no lying awake and needing to get up.  Just a trip to the loo and back to bed and back to sleep, until nearly 7.00.  It makes a difference.

 On Tuesday, it was 13 years since my dad died of cancer.  I don't think that is why I haven't been sleeping this week ... but it is something to reflect on.  He bequeathed many good things to me, and I often wanted to be like him.

 I thought I was starting as a Community Carer at our Community Op Shop yesterday - and we had our group meeting - but someone else couldn't do his normal day, today - and said he would do yesterday.  I was relieved as I was so tired and anxious that I couldn't think straight.  So I will do 2 to 3 hours today.  I wonder who will come in for help with food parcels and other things?

 I was struck yesterday in the meeting as the others discussed some of the clients they have, and the issues with these clients...  that "I have done this before"..  The Community Ministries Pastor explained the protocol for helping people.. and I realised that it is so similar to what Anna and I had come up with in Madagascar - where we had a steady stream of people coming to our door needing assistance.  I am not unfamiliar with the stories - some so tragically true, and others creatively false.  I trust that I can slip into that groove again this morning.

 I am thankful for rest over night.
 That I don't feel quite so desperate today.
 The someone is coming to cut the lawn this morning - with a motor mower!!!
 That K, my new house mate, seems to be settling in okay - her mother is staying for a few more days.
 That I can be thankful.

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